Exposed to a disease has become a terrible scourge. Especially if it turns out the disease is HIV / AIDS. Of course, this disease would be a nightmare for anyone who is infected. Frankly, because until now the disease of HIV / AIDS has no cure.
This was apparently not immune from technology experts view. The current technology experts vying to create technology that can be used to combat HIV / AIDS. Therefore through this article, would love to know your
blogosmile 5 advanced technology that is ready to fight HIV / AIDS.
5 Advanced Technology is Ready to Fight HIV / AIDS
HIV / AIDS is very terrible. Besides can not be cured because there is no cure, the news said that the last 5 years the number of deaths from the disease has risen to 100 percent. Therefore, before it's too late is better we prevent it.
In order to prevent HIV / AIDS is well, it seems that now there are advanced technologies that support. Want to know what the technology? Consider just the following description.
1. Condoms Hexagonal Lelo
The first was Condoms Hexagonal Lelo. Maybe this time Lelo Hexagonal Condoms condoms can be regarded as the most advanced on the market. Because the condom is claimed will not leak, even if punctured by a needle. Not only strong, but also very thin condoms.
With a condom is very strong, of course, will help to overcome the problems against the transmission of HIV / AIDS which is caused by leakage of condoms. For the price, is quite cheap.36 per box with the contents of the condom is only priced at 50 dollars
2. Implant HIV Prevention
The next one, there Implant HIV Prevention. Interestingly, investors apparently the owner of this technology from Microsoft, namely Bill Gates. Bill Gates is investing in this technology by 2 trillion, because Bill Gates is concerned about the people living with this disease.
The implant it self is shaped like a small pump the size of a matchstick and implanted under the skin layer. Later this pump will periodically issue a HIV prevention drug that aims to ensure that users are not exposed to HIV. The small pump can accommodate a drug with a capacity of 6 to 12 months.
3. Robot Sex
The next technology is a sex robot. Can not be denied that the spread of HIV / AIDS is the biggest one of them for sex. To reduce the number of the high society sex is done, eventually leading technology experts think of creating a sex robot.
With the robot sex, free sex figure will be reduced. Thus, it would be expected rate of transmission of HIV / AIDS because of promiscuity will be suppressed.
In fact, in order to realize this vision, leading technology experts to this day continue to work hard to develop robot sex. In the future, technology experts hope that this sex robot will be really similar to humans.
4. Comrade
Next there is the Android application made in our nation, namely Comrade, an application made by UNIKOM CodeLabs. This application eventually led UNIKOM CodeLabs won race 2 at Gemastik 9 held at the University of Indonesia.
To combat HIV / AIDS, the application has pinned a lot of very useful features, including the following.
Providing information, news, articles, and activities on HIV / AIDS.
There is a friend Share feature, function if we want to help people living with HIV / AIDS.
There is a feature to the consultation, if you have any questions related to HIV / AIDS.
5. Jakarta AIDS
Further still to the Android application, ie there Jakarta AIDS, an Android app that was launched by the AIDS Commission. This application is launched course as a form of government attention to the problem of HIV / AIDS in the community.
The application itself is quite rich in features, some features of which are as follows.
Free Regarding HIV / AIDS
Questions & Answers Regarding Health
Location Info Service
Media Education Visual
monitoring Hotspot
Now that he had just five advanced technologies are ready to fight HIV / AIDS. What do you think? The most sophisticated number are ya? Leave in the comments yes!