This mobile phone Using Voice Commands and Hologram

A leading French designer, Philippe Starck and Jerome Olivet has launched the concept of the future smartphone design with a fairly radical.

Instead of relying on a touch screen, like most smartphones today. Instead, rely on the hologram. Wow! What kind of uniqueness?

Quoted from Mashable, the concept of the future smartphone was called Alo. The idea was Alo can be operated entirely by voice commands.

While the hologram will display a variety of information. Like to read text, watch videos, and more.
As the concept of the future, Alo is also equipped with digital assistant based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). To respond to voice commands and can learn to meet the needs of its users.

Well strange formations are actually adapted to the human hand. For now, Alo is just a concept developed for the electronics company Thomson.

Quite interesting is not to see how the prototype and the final product later.

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